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Plastik ve Ambalaj sektörü İPAF 2013’de buluştu

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Yağmur Fuarcılık tarafından düzenlenen 16. Uluslararası Plastik ve Ambalaj Teknolojileri&Ürünleri Fuarı, İPAF 2013 23–26 Mayıs tarihleri arasında İstanbul Fuar Merkezi’nde gerçekleştirdi. Bu yıl 16’ncısı gerçekleştirilen fuar sektördeki yüzlerce katılımcıya, binlerce ziyaretçiye ev sahipliği yaptı.


3T Fair has accelerated metal processing sector

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Metal Industry in Turkey's largest and most important international events each year, which is one of the 11th 3T International Metal Processing, Mould and Automation Technologies Fair is held by Yagmur Fuarcilik at Izmir International Fair Area on 6- 9 March 2014. 3T Exhibition hosted hundreds of participants and thousands of visitors in the sector.


Bak Packaging is at the PACK- IST which the invention of flexible packaging manufacturers

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Bak Packaging which is the organization of Bakioğlu Holding will promote their products to produce using the latest technology for organization’s exclusive brands held leadership by Flexible Packaging Manufacturers Association.


Eurasia’s first and unique flexible packaging exhibition PACK-IST is opening doors on 23 May

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Cooperation with Yagmur Fuarcılık and Flexible Packaging Manufacturers Association (FASD) PACK-IST 2013 2nd Flexible Packaging Fair will be held for second time between 23-26 May in Istanbul Expo Center. Turkey's largest Flexible Packaging companies will take place at PACK-IST which is the first and unique exhibition come into prominence and held for flexible packaging sectors in Europa and Asia. Over 10 thousand visitors are expected to attend flexible packaging industry will be at Istanbul for 4 days.


Bareks, teknolojik polietilen filmlerini İPAF’13’te sergileyecek

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Bareks A.Ş. İstanbul Fuar Merkezi’nde 23-26 Mayıs tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilen Pack-İst 2. Fleksibıl Ambalaj Fuarı’nda çok katlı özellikli polietilen filmlerini sergileyecek. Bakioğlu Holding kuruluşu olan ve İzmir Atatürk Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nde 2002 yılında kurulan Bareks, çok katlı ekstrüzyon olanağı ile 20 mikron ve 220 mikron arasındaki kalınlıklarda yılda 18 bin ton Polietilen film üretiyor.


Polibak İPAF’13 PACK-İST Fuarı’nda

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Polibak Plastik Film Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.  23 –26 Mayıs 2013 tarihinde İstanbul Fuar Merkezi’nde düzenlenen IPAF’13 PACK-IST 2013 fuarına katılıyor. Bir Bakioğlu Holding Kuruluşu olan 1993 yılından bu yana İzmir Atatürk Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nde iki farklı tesiste toplam 80.000 m2 alanda faaliyet gösteren Polibak; gıda ile direk temas eden birincil fleksibıl ambalaj üretimi gerçekleştirmektedir.


Enternasyonel Gravür İPAF 2013 ve PACK-IST 2013’de

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Fleksibıl ve Sigara Ambalajı için Gravür Baskı Silindirleri üreten ENTERNASYONEL GRAVÜR A.Ş.  IPAF’13 PACK-IST fuarında ürünlerini sergiliyor. Hızlı hizmet, güçlü iletişim anlayışı ile; müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutarak; 1997 yılından beri üretim gerçekleştiren Enternasyonel Gravür A.Ş. Nisan 2013 tarihinde devreye aldığı Lazer Gravür hattı ile sektöründe Türkiye’deki firmalar arasında bir adım öne çıkmıştır.


Visitors from 43 countries and 60 cities

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IPAF is an important trade fair which bringing visitors more cities and countries with regular promotional activities and bringing together producers and owners in hot demand on the international stage.


Foreign visitors in 2012

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Foreign visitors in 2012

IPAF'12 participants had the opportunity to meet visitors from 43 countries from abroad. Visit the main countries that perform, Iran, Tunisia, Bulgaria, Romania, Syria, Germany, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Greece, Ukraine, Israel, Kuwait, South Africa, Spain, Australia, Italy, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Cyprus, France, the Netherlands, the USA, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, Albania, Austria, Cameroon, India, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Ireland, Japan, Macedonia, Russia, Senegal, Turkmenistan


Buyers Delegations from developing industry provinces

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So as to draw the investors and require companies to 3T Fair, integrating the metal working technologies, industrial design and industrial control, free bus tours are being arranged from industrialized cities. The committee of industrialists come together with fair participants in the organizations which are arranged by the collaboration of various trade associations.


Big success about direct target audience is reached with promotion

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The presentations and advertisements made in domestic and abroad increase the number of professional visitors. 3T Fair hosted 8.620 visitors from 42 cities and 15 countries in the last organization in 2012. The industrialists both from domestic and abroad that have hot demand focused on the fair through one to one announcements. Consequently commercial productivity and volume of the fair have increased.


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